
Nespresso Atelier Opening Vienna



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The world’s first Nespresso Flagship Boutique

At the end of March 2021, Nespresso opened the world’s first Nespresso Flagship Boutique in Vienna. The event, which was initially planned to take place physically, was converted into a virtual event at short notice due to the current situation. 360° onlineEvent converted. The central theme of the event was “Iconic pairing” – combining the traditional Viennese coffee house theme with a modern experience store.



360° function

The complete streaming experience was broadcast via an online platform specially developed for the occasion. The fact that the platform was functional for all Android and IOS devices and that the 360° function worked the same on all devices was a special feature that was given great importance.


Thanks to the attention-grabbing teaser phase with personalinvitation and personal streaming streaming access for each defined target group (journalists, bloggers etc.) thousands of visitors were able to attend the event online.They had the opportunity to take part in various breakoutsessions and explore the entire studio. As a grand finale, we produced two music clips in advance with Parov Stelar and musicians of the platform K&K, which has the theme Iconic pairing in their music!


The fact that the event was a complete success was also demonstrated recently when, on 17.12.2021 we won the BEA World Award in the B2B events category!


…and maybe you soon?